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BraWoPark Braunschweig

Rizki Resa Utama: UNTITLED

This work is a collage of images that are printed on money paper from all over the world. With this work I would like to achieve new images from something that are close to our daily life and plays an important role in our society.

This work is a collage of images that are printed on money paper from all over the world. With this work I would like to achieve new images from something that are close to our daily life and plays an important role in our society. The elements on the money paper, which are defined as representations and values (numbers and authorships) are de-attached, so the rest of the images are only remain as human, animals, nature, cityscapes, shapes, lines, compositions, and colors. Since the ’less-valued’ materials are randomly composed and arranged, the viewer could discover new images and giving new values created from the composition of the old images. With this work I’m trying to tackle the questions of; to what extend do values influence our behavior, our perspective and our way of thinking?
